Enterprises Optimize Performance and Security with Hybrid Networking

Networking needs are changing at the enterprise. Cloud solutions are significantly increasing the amount of data flowing between the network and the cloud, while Internet of Things (IoT) devices introduce more endpoints and, as a result, broaden the security plane. Enterprises are struggling to find the network performance they need with the level of security necessary to protect data assets. Many are implementing hybrid networking.

Hybrid networking addresses some of the most critical challenges introduced with the cloud era. While cloud networking options can deliver on the performance side, they often lack the right security measures to protect data and systems.

Reliable performance: Hybrid networking solutions offer the optimized performance of a cloud solution, making it possible to handle the data transmissions from IoT and cloud applications without jitter, latency, or congestion.

Security: Balancing cloud solutions’ performance is the underlying strength of the network, with some aspects maintained and managed through a private network and under the watchful eye of IT.

Scalability and cost-effectiveness: The enterprise network is seeing increasing instances of data transmissions, and using a traditional wide area network (WAN) approach is too costly and doesn’t scale as the enterprise expands. A hybrid networking solution is cost-effective; enterprises pay only for the number of users they need, and they can scale up or down as necessary.

Enterprises are using this technology to make a measurable impact on their networking solutions in areas including cost and productivity. For example, one company implemented a hybrid network solution and was able to address a couple of common problems: bottlenecks and frequent instances of downtime. A fully-managed hybrid network allowed the enterprise to engage in a lift-and-shift deployment of eight gigabytes of data to a hybrid network. The result is that the move freed up application availability and IT staff, allowing them to better connect with customers and offer superior service.

In another example, an enterprise was able to eliminate physical servers as well as their data servers by implementing hybrid networking. The result was a 20% increase in their usage, and the staff was able to redirect time and energy that was normally spent troubleshooting the network and instead invest it into improving customer experiences.

In the current technology climate, enterprises need networking solutions that boost agility and flexibility to work with a rapidly changing set of customer expectations and the push of digital transformation. Eliminating downtime and securing the network with a cost-effective solution are nearly universal priorities that can be answered with hybrid networking.

To learn more about networking solutions that provide high-speed broadband connectivity and are supported by a certified on-site technician, contact us at TailWind. With our strong carrier relationships, you have the added benefit of making a single call — instead of 20 — when you have a question about your network. You’ll also enjoy a single invoice and superior customer service.